Curriculum Vitae


Caleb A. Collar | he/him |


Carthage College | Aug. 2019 - Dec. 2022 | GPA: 3.8 / 4.0

Currently studying for Bachelor of Arts degrees in Computer Science and Biology.

In-Situ Experience:

Summer Undergraduate Research Experience | Summer 2022

Building software deployment workflows for a 3U CubeSat. Technical work with writing hardware driver code in C++ to communicate with an ARM OBC on the satellite.


Summer Undergraduate Research Experience | Summer 2020

Assessed resistance gene variation in whole populations of Beta vulgaris using a metagenome-like assembly strategy and nucleotide-based resistance gene modeling.


Technical Skills:

Relevant academic & personal projects:

Academic projects demonstrating implementations of concepts related to computer science and/or biology.

Relevant Classes


Course Credits Earned
Chemistry I & II 8
Physics I & II 8
Organic Chemistry I & II 8
Botany 4
Genetics 4
Human Anatomy & Human Physiology 8
Developmental Psychology 4
Molecules, Cells, and Organisms 4
Vertebrate Ecology 4
Microbiology 4
Phage Hunters I & II 8
Independent Study in Biology - Bioinformatics Comp Approaches 4

Computer Science:

Course Credits Earned
Principles of Computer Science I & II 8
Data Structures and Algorithms 4
Calculus I 4
Discrete Structures 4
Agile Software Development 4
Topics in Game Development 4
Game Development I 4
Object-Oriented Programming 4
Operating Systems 4
Computer Organization 4
Software Security 4
Software Design and Development 4


I have a passion for the confluence of software, hardware, and biology. I believe that we can create a better future for humanity by being intentional with our decisions (large and small) and by being purposeful with what we build.

I am inspired to find creative solutions to complex problems, always learning, working as a team, and exemplifying gracious professionalism.

I ultimately want to work as a software developer, not limited to bioinformatics; and to find ways to improve the quality of life for my fellow human beings.


References will be made available upon request.